Tag Archives: Life

Rites of passage, changing with the times

When I was their age, my relatives gave us pen sets. Nowadays, children get their first email accounts. Sarah and Larry’s two oldest children have their first email accounts. Being a dutiful aunt, I sent them emails at Larry’s request. … Continue reading

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Detours were us

Two trucks got into the way of my travel plans, but in both instances, I found out about them long before I could get stuck in the traffic they caused. First, a pickup truck being towed off the Nice Bridge … Continue reading

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Off for a few days

I scheduled a few posts for tomorrow, but I’m going on a small vacation before going into closing-on-the-condo/packing/cleaning/painting/moving hell. I shall be visiting my friends and family in New Jersey, and I’m looking forward to it. And while I’m bringing … Continue reading

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Homebuying jitters

Wow, buyer’s remorse hit me big-time last night, and I haven’t even had the home inspection yet. (Next Thursday.) I was making a budget and, well, I don’t think I plugged the numbers in exactly right, because I scared the … Continue reading

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